A Self-Starter, and a Go-Getter

Planned, managed, and developed diverse projects. Mastered broad domain knowledge, technologies, and their uses. Demonstrated ability to adapt on the fly. Achieved and exceeded several product goals for different clients.

Master of Technologies, from Front-End to Back-End

Mastered broad domain knowledge, technologies, and their uses. Demonstrated ability to adapt on the fly.


Python, C++, JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS


Git, Github, React, Django, Node, npm




AWS, Azure, Docker, Linux, Cloudflare, Nginx


Isaac Lee has designed and developed several projects as a solo creator and a team player in remote Agile work environments.


A webtool designed to help small businesses keep track of their employee's schedules. Created with Javascript, React, Django, & MySQL.

RL for Social Media Engagement

A reinforcement learning agent intended to maximize engagement on Twitter by means of liking, retweeting, following, and more. Created with Python.

Racial Disparities In Police Killings

A data visualization of racial disparities in police killings by US state. Created with HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flask, & MongoDB .


A project where I used Discord's bot API to create a bot account for my university's gaming club. Created in JavaScript.

UVM S&DS Club Website

A project where I used Django, HTML, and Boostrap to revise the website for UVM's Statistics and Data Science Club.

Leap Motion Element Game

An in-browser game that controlled by a Leap Motion device. Uses KNN to map hand gestures to elemental attacks. Made with JS

Symmetric Cryptographer

A C++ program that can be used to encrypt and decrypt a string.

Food Role Playing Game

A role-playing game where you fight different foods. Made in C++


A text program that helps people line up their schedules. Made in python.

Interested in reaching out?

Please contact me via email or LinkedIn.